Happy Easter!


Here we have Steve, Dave, Pam, and Mike Almquist all in their Easter best.  They posed for this picture in 1962.  Check out the nice rose trellis behind them. Steve decided to forgo the formal neck-ware and go a little more California casual, while Dave was dapper in a bow-tie and Mike went with a very business man tie look. Good thing they made room for Pam’s dress, she looks ready to punch someone!!

I hope you all have a beautiful Easter day!

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  1. Tasha
    Thank you so much for all your research, we all enjoy it emensly!! Looking forward to seeing you and your little one at Thanksgiving. Thanks again Uncle Steve
    ps I hate ties! I think I must of been hung in an earlier life.

  2. Thanks you both! We hope to make it to Thanksgiving if she is up for it, she’ll be about two weeks old at that point though so it will be touch and go!

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