1917-1920 Concrete facts


1919 Ford Model T Touring Car

From 1917 to 1918 all that is reported from the Almquist family is Gus’s cement contracts. Elizabeth (Liz) Almquist was born on August 1, 1918, Gus and Afrida’s fourth child.  At that point Blanche was 11 (almost), Freda was 9, and Dan was 5.  1919 brings another new car and 1920 sees a long visit from Gus’s older sister.

January 26, 1917 Gus worked on old McDonalds farm.

May 1917 Gus worked on F.M. Copples Ranch.

December 14, 1917 Gus lay concrete down a few miles north of the town of Perris at the Claremont ranch.

October 19, 1918 Gus lay concrete for Eshbaugh.

February 13, 1919  Gus begins to recover from an illness, just in time for Valentines day.  I wonder what he had?  It certainly didn’t stop him from living another 51 years.

June 27, 1919 Gus and Alfrieda take another new Ford for a spin, what happened to the one they bought in 1916? Were they excited about the introduction of the electric starter?

December 17, 1919 Gus has a cement contract on a hog farm.  Most of the other jobs seemed to be for alfalfa farms. Next to the potato and sugar beets this seemed to be the main crop in Perris.

November 3, 1920 Gus’s older sister (by two years) Augusta Almquist ends her extended visit to Perris. She married sometime between 1922 and 1930 to John H Hendrickson, also a Swedish immigrant.  They lived in Los Angeles and, from what I can tell, had no children.

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