Are we descendants of Sasquatch?

Grandma goes bannanas copy

Grandma goes bannanas copy

Is this photo proof we are not really Almquists, but descendants of the ancient Sasquatch? We can see that grandma Nadine (Olsen) certainly seemed to have a fondness for the mysterious creature.

I found this picture of Grandma with other pictures of grandpa Clarence Almquist, Gustaf Almquist, and Alfrieda Almquist on a road trip.  I’m thinking this may have been before Steven’s birth, on a trip up the coast, perhaps October of 1950?

Lighthouse nadine gus alfrieda and mystery

 This picture was taken on the same trip, next to what I believe is the lighthouse.  It looks like great-grandpa Gus is ready for some surf-fishing. On his left is grandma Nadine, and then great-grandmother Alfrieda.

I’m pretty sure this is the Crescent City Battery Point Lighthouse, you can see modern day pictures here.  If it is, then this would be about three years before it became automated, and no longer required lighthouse keepers. The keepers at the time of this photo were Wayne Redrick Piland and presumably his wife.and I believe that is who is in the pictures. This part of the trip may have had a Coast Guard connection based on Grandpa’s service and the Coast Guard’s control of Lighthouses.

Almquists at the lighthouse copySwede ready for fishing

 And here is grandpa Clarence Almquist with Wayne.  I wish I had that awesome leather jacket!