Calling all Askew descendants!

I need your help!

In writing my previous post on Joseph Askew’s life as a teenager and a young adult, I serendipitously discovered that one of the projects he had worked on in the late 1850s—the Glasgow Water Works—had taken photographs of workers on this project. Just last month these photographs were rescued from a trash bin by a Scottish Water staff member.

In talking with staff at Scottish Water (the folks who rescued these rare photos from the dumpster), I learned that Joseph Askew is the only worker they know of from the early days of the project who has descendants that know about his involvement with that project. And with the 160th anniversary of Queen Victoria’s dedication of the project coming up this October 16th, the folks at Scottish Water are excited about this newly found connection to Joseph Askew and want to write and/or publish a story about the Joseph Askew connection to the Glasgow Water Works.

So, dear fellow Joseph Askew descendants, I come to you with a plea—please let me know if you have any photos, letters, diaries, newspaper stories, artifacts, or anything that might reveal anything about Joseph Askew’s early life and his time in England, Scotland, or France before he migrated to the United States. If in doubt, please let me know!

One thing I’ve learned in researching Joseph Askew is that every time I think I’ve found everything there is to find, I find just as much more! He’s a treasured ancestor to all of us, so I figure that some of us might have bits of his past that not all of us know about. I’m hoping that by uncovering as many as possible of these bits, we’ll be able to better reconstruct his life story and make a more interesting story that we and the folks at Scottish Water can share with the world!

8 thoughts on “Calling all Askew descendants!

    • Hi Julie, and welcome new cousin! Sorry for the delay in responding—this summer is turning out to be the summer of emergency DIY home repair, so I haven’t had any time to look at family history for months. :-( When I do come back up for air, I’d love to get you tied into my family tree and share what relevant photos and documents I have with you.

      All the best,

  1. Howdy!!
    Hope your getting the pictures i am sending. Lots more to come if you are. One of Hippidrome!! My mom, Connie (connie Jo) met your grandpa! Just sayin…. :)

  2. Do you have the two page typed information about Joe the great great great dad? About him having like 12 kids and was the mayor? I’ll send you that too, if not.

  3. I am the grand daughter of Sam Askew and the daughter of Charles. My brother John passed away 4 years ago and I believe he was in touch with you. I have been to Menaghua and have gone through the stories there about Joseph and have seen the house my dad lived in. Wish I knew more!

    • Howdy Mary! I’m Julie Hill and am the great-granddaughter of Sam Askew. We live in Seattle. My grandpa was Harry Askew,(NOT Harold). My mom is Connie Jo (80), and my aunt Colleen (68), were Harry and Theona Askew’s kids. I remember your folks came over a few times and visited. I would Love to hear any stories you might have heard. Grandpa always had us engrossed in his stories of growing up, we (3 brothers & myself) sat around his chair for the 1st hour of his arrival. I was a lot shorter then, so I don’t remember all the details. But he Loved horses, this we knew!! Also, Where do you live?
      Hope to hear from you soon!

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