1916 Ford Model T Touring Car, from the Packard Auto Museum
1916 was a busy year for the Almquists. Gus starts the year off with the opening of his new cement yard. According to the article it was located on South Main St. From what I can tell this is now called South D Street in Perris, probably around the 1000 block.
In April, Alfrida took a trip to Riverside with some friends.
She must have bugged Gus to get a nicer ride, as in June she and he took a trip to Riverside and Colton in their new Ford.
In July, Gus cemented in a reservoir, probably to help pay for that new car. Apparently the Skinner Ranch is now a pet resort.
In September, they and a freind make another trip to Riverside.
In October, they had house guests who stuck around for three weeks. I wonder how the Almquists knew the GIllinghams? Mrs. Gillingham was Amanda L. and she was born in Minnesota in 1890, but both her parents were from Sweden according to the 1930 census.
And lastly, in December Gus and Alfrida and four other people took a trip to San Bernardino via auto.
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